We have something emotional to present it before you...Enjoy your Excuse and accept it! Scroll down to view it.
No Execuse 4 Not Offering it!
Then, Why Don't You?
Offer Salah (Namaaz)..
Don't Abandone it!
Offer Salah (Namaaz)..
Don't Abandone it!
The elderly have not abandoned it...

Women have not abandoned it...

Children have not abandoned it...

On the roads they have not abandoned it...

In others' countries they have not abandoned it...

In the forests and jungles they have not abandoned it...

In the midst of ruins and destruction they have not abandoned it...

Under the bombings they have not abandoned it...

ON the roads they have not abandoned it...

ON the stairs they have not abandoned it...

On top of car roofs they have not abandoned it...

In train stations they have not abandoned it...

In planes they have not abandoned it...

On the snow they have not abandoned it...

On the beaches they have not abandoned it...

Under water they have not abandoned it...
This man, he is under water diving, it's his work

He can't leave his job undone and at the same time he can't lose the Fajr Prayer...

So he prayed underwater. SubhanAllah!

Before they are captured they have not abandoned it...

And after they are captured they have not abandoned it...

The disabled have not abandoned it...

So why have you abandoned it?
Didn't you know that Salat is the most beloved deed to Allah and the greatest ibadah?
Know that very soon you will be prayed upon (Janazah) and when that time comes you cannot make up the missed prayers
So pray before you are prayed upon

You will enter the grave alone, no companions except your deeds and what you have presented forward
Below is a picture of a pilgrim who died in Madinah in the position of sujood (prostration)

And another on (below) of a pilgrim who died in Makkah while raising his hands with prayer (du'aa)

Do not miss your prayers
Do not die a loser's death
Do not die a loser's death
The Prophet (saw) advised to: “Take benefit of five before five: Your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death”(Narrated by Ibn Abbas and reported by Al Hakim)
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